“In our diversity, we see the presence of the creative God.” Dr. Ben OuYang, host of the Go Forth podcast and chairperson for the Young Adults Committee of the Asian Pacific Catholic Network, represented USCMA at the recent Asian and Pacific Islander National Encounter.
Rev. Fr. Chris Arockiaraj, shares about the growing Catholic Church and missionary opportunities in his home country of India as well as helpful discernment and preparation processes.
This month we’ve collected stories that include the Pope's trip to Asia, the exile of Nicaraguan priests, and ongoing work uniting with Hindu and Muslim communities in India who are recovering from deadly landslides.
Anne Marie and John Hansen share details of our conference, to be held just outside St. Louis from October 29-31, 2024. Learn more about how our speakers and setting will combine with their missionary experiences and their training in Conversations in the Spirit for a fulfilling event.
Sarah shares about her family's life as missionaries and how it led her parents to found Family Missions Company to prepare Catholic missionaries, both families and single adults.
Get links to an formation series to help Catholics deepen their relationship with the liturgy, a new book from award winning author James H. Kroeger, MM, and USCCB resources for the Eucharist and Mission.
This week's episode features Grammy-nominated and award-winning songwriter/composer Sarah Hart, who shares about her music and her missionary work in parishes around the United States and the world.
Nourished by Jesus Christ, the Eucharistic Bread of Life, we find the freedom from fear that allows us to live as his followers, unafraid of criticisms, threats …or arson.
Discover how Nikki's faith grew and she answered God's call to lead this amazing organization that forms missionary disciples as it raises money to support pregnant women.