Since 2023, Go Forth… has served to inspire everyday people through the stories of Catholics committed to embodying the global mission of God. Due to the tireless efforts and boundless enthusiasm of podcast host Dr. Benjamin OuYang, Go Forth… Missionary Interviews has featured the testimony of roughly eighty-five of lay, religious and ordained leaders witnessing the love of Christ through evangelizing ministries of encounter, solidarity, peacemaking and service. USCMA thanks Ben for his dedication to this project and ongoing zeal for mission. Ben plans to continue his ministry of bringing mission into the hearts and ears of everyday Catholics. Information on his next project will be available online soon at
We would also like to thank the USCMA members, partners and friends who shared their stories as podcast guests. Your interviews have helped countless people encounter mission and their global neighbors. Please be assured that USCMA remains committed to proclaiming the mission message and sharing your stories. We continue to publish our Go Forth… Mission Commentary, which features weekly email reflections on the Sunday readings from a mission perspective. We are also developing new and innovative ways to feature member stories, charisms and engagement opportunities via our online platform.