Session Four will airs December 17, 2020 will cover Chapter Seven – Paths of Renewed Encounter, Chapter Eight – Religions at the Service of Fraternity in Our World, and note significant Footnotes
Download the slides here.
Donald R. McCrabb, D. Min., is the Executive Director of the United States Catholic Mission Association. Donald McCrabb was the presenter for the first study session.
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Mike Gable has a doctoral in Missiology and has served as USCMA board member. He is the Director of the Mission Office of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio and is an adjunct professor of Theology at Xavier University. Dr. Gable served with the Franciscans in Honduras and later with his family in Latin America with Maryknoll Lay Missioners. Currently 40+ parishes of his archdiocese are in parish partnerships and collaborates with the