Kevin Foy comes to us from the Archdiocese of Chicago with a deep background in mission, including service as a national team leader and regional director for mission education with the Maryknoll Society.
Marianne shares a reflection on this week's readings and how her organization helps parishes and dioceses across the country prepare adults to go out into the world as loving, confident missionary disciples who understand the beauty of the Church and its teachings.
Dr. Antoinette Mensah reflects on the complexities of our roles as missionary disciples and faith leaders and invites all members to embrace those roles with humility and dedication as we prepare to welcome a new Executive Director.
Meet our new Board President, Antoinette Menash, and connect with other faith leaders as we explore how the Eucharist impels each of us to gather, unite, and send.
Our keynote speakers include noted author Robert Ellis, parish twinning leader Diane Huggins, and Fr. Abdon Rwandekwe, SJ, a native of Rawanda.
Many mission leaders have other responsibilities and volunteer in their roles at a parish or within their religious community. Others need to manage their volunteers to ensure a rewarding experience for everyone.
This month’s roundup from Agenzia Fides includes articles about the recent meeting of the Pontifical Mission Societies at the Vatican, the situations in Haiti and the Central African Republic, an international conference in Rome about the Church in China, and preparations for the pope’s visit to Papua New Guinea in September.
Fr. Tim shares how members of this new and growing community live its mission to respond generously to the call of the fullness of Christian life and the perfection of charity, aiding and fostering an intimate unity between practical life and faith.
This month we share links to our Mission Sunday page with its study guide and video, remind members of our 75th Anniversary via Fr. Jack’s history, and offer helpful research tips from James H. Kroeger, M.M. for free Catholic sites.