We have met twice. The first session looked at the Introduction and outlined the goals and procedures of the study. The second session looked at two sections: 1. Synodality: Experience and Understanding and 2. Gathered and Sent by the Trinity.
Those gathered are very positive about synodality. At the same time, there are a lot of questions about how synodality will work and if Church leadership will truly embrace it. Some questions have been raised about how mission is understood and how missionaries “fit” into the “life and mission” of the Church.
The group wanted a more focused process. Rather than work through each section, the group decided to focus on just those passages that use the word “mission” or some variant. Don McCrabb is doing the textual work to identify those passages, quote them, and note the significance of that passage. All mission leaders and missionaries are encouraged to read the Synod Synthesis Report. The Synthesis Study Document may help. Both documents are available on our website.
On Thursday, February 8, we will focus on 8. Church in Mission. We will also receive Message of His Holiness Pope Francis for World Mission Day 2024. Finally, we will have some updates on how to participate in listening sessions and how this information will contribute to the national response to the Synthesis Report.