Dear Members of USCMA, As a Missionary Disciple, I often find myself grappling with the complexities of what this role truly means in the context of my lived experience of faith. The delicate balance between our "way of being" and our "way of acting" is a constant source of reflection and challenge.
Currently, I have the privilege of serving as Director for the Milwaukee Archdiocesan Office for World Mission, Inc., and the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Inc. In these roles, my guiding mantra is clear: we are called not merely to exist, but to embrace our mission wholeheartedly, understanding that action is an integral part of our faith journey.
Now, as your newly elected Board President, I bring this mindset to the USCMA, where we are a vibrant community of faith leaders engaged in networking, formation, and advocacy for God’s mission.
First and foremost, let us remember that we are a community—a family united by our shared belief and Christian purpose. Within this community, we find strength, support, and encouragement to embody the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives.
Secondly, let us embrace our roles as faith leaders with humility and dedication. We have been entrusted with the task of guiding others along paths that deepen their faith and understanding of our collective call to action. My vision for USCMA is one of inclusivity and openness, transcending geographical boundaries to welcome all who seek to join us in our mission.
Lastly, let us heed the call to action that arises from our common belief in Jesus Christ. He exemplified the qualities of a Networker, Advocator, and Formator—the three pillars upon which we stand to fulfill God’s mission on Earth.
As we prepare to welcome a new Executive Director and embark on this new chapter, I call upon each of you to lend your support and actively participate in our shared mission. Your stewardship of time, talent, and treasure is crucial in enabling us to engage our membership effectively.
I pray that I may be an effective leader, listening to each of you as valued peers, working together to grow our membership and strengthen our conviction as Missionary Disciples. May God bless each member of the USCMA and thank you for your unwavering commitment to our shared mission.
Warm regards, Dr. Antoinette Mensah USCMA President