First Reading
II Chronicles 36:14-17, 19-23 This reading narrates the history of the Kingdom of Judah; its people failed God and ridiculed the prophets. The Babylonian captivity was their punishment, yet God showed compassion.
The responsorial psalm (Psalm 137:1-6) is the famous lament of the homesick exiles in Babylon.
Second Reading
Ephesians 2:4-10 - Saint Paul asserts that our salvation is a free and generous gift of God, because God is “rich in mercy.”
John 3:14-21 - God so loved the world and showed his magnanimous, overflowing mercy by sending his very own son to save the world.
Notes and Commentary by Maryknoller James Kroeger, who recently published Walking with Pope Francis: The Official Documents in Everyday Language
(Orbis Books – 2023).
Please pray for the missions.
May God bless you in all the ways you Go Forth…