In response to Hurricane Helene, Catholic Charities USA created a dedicated disaster relief campaign to serve people displaced or suffering due to the storm with immediate and long term relief. St. Vincent de Paul Disaster Relief Services built a resource page for survivors that includes helpful 800 numbers for family reunification and crisis counseling, debris removal guidelines, and dedicated donation portal for people wishing to help financially. For international news, lease see the latest report on Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) ongoing emergency response and recovery activities around the world.
CRS has also released this special emergency factsheet on the escalating crisis in Lebanon. CRS and their local partners are prioritizing a range of programs to address the emergency shelter, and emotional and social support needs of vulnerable families affected by conflict. In a recent general audience, Pope Francis urged the international community to “make every effort to stop” the escalation of violence in Lebanon. For more mission news, please visit Agenzia Fides, the information service of the Pontifical Mission Societies.